Hello everyone!
This is the place to talk about the Everchosen – The Global Warhammer Painting Competition.
Heres the info:
To celebrate the new range of Citadel Colour paints, we’re marking the occasion in style with a new type of painting competition – a global event that you can enter locally in stores across the world, and with a prize worthy of a king…
https://youtu.be/bfJ1vQcd4HQOn Saturday the 27th of July, Warhammer and Games Workshop stores, as well as participating independent retailers, will be holding a local painting competition. The winner of the Everchosen category (see below) from each store will have photos of their models uploaded to a huge gallery online, where everyone can vote for their favorite entries. The results of the public vote will then be combined with the votes from our own studio painting teams, with the top three entries being entered into the Everchosen Grand Final. These finalists will be invited to bring their miniatures to Warhammer World from wherever they are in the world – we’ll even cover their travel and accommodation. One of these mighty painting heroes will be crowned Everchosen, and win a replica of Archaon’s legendary sword, the Slayer of Kings.

Painting CategoriesThere are actually two other categories of the painting competition that will be taking place in stores on the day, in addition to the gala Everchosen category:
Open – Entries can be any miniature currently available from Games-Workshop.com, unit or collection than will fit into a 30cmx30cm (12”x12”) display area. This category is also open to Games Workshop staff!
Young Bloods – Entries can be any single Citadel miniature (of any size) that is available from Games-Workshop.com. This category is only open to painters aged 15 and below.
Everchosen – Entries can be any single Citadel miniature (that fits on a Citadel 60mm base or smaller) that is currently available from Games-Workshop.com. The winner of the Everchosen category will go on to represent their store in the global online vote!

We’ll be bringing you more news on this exciting competition (including the obligatory terms and conditions) soon, so keep an eye here on the Warhammer Community website for more details. Of course, even if you don’t consider yourself a world-class painter (yet!), there is still an opportunity to win local glory in the opening stage of the Everchosen competition, so head over to Games-Workshop.com now and start picking your entry – Saturday the 27th of July will be here before you know it!
Sooooo, who is entering?